Mobility for youth workers

Mobility projects for youth workers involve professional development opportunities, including training courses, seminars, study visits, job shadowing, and networking events. These projects are designed to improve the skills and competencies of youth workers, members of youth organizations or volunteers in this field. This mobilities aims to develop competencies and skills of the participants through non-formal education. They can last between 2 days and 2 months and anyone over 18 can participate.


Training Courses

Participate in specialized training programs to enhance your professional skills

Seminars and Conferences

Engage in discussions and knowledge exchange on best practices in youth work

Job Shadowing

Observe and learn from experienced youth workers in different European countries

Networking Events

Connect with other youth workers and organizations to share experiences and create partnerships


Enhance your ability to work with young people

Gain new methods and tools for youth work

Expand your professional network

Increase your intercultural competencies