Does creativity depend on age? Is the creation of a photographic exhibition or the realisation of a concert something that only professionals can undertake? Of course not! Creative, innovative thinking comes in handy regardless of age or profession, in every area of life.

This is exactly what we are proving as the Youth Human Impact Association, which has been running the long-term strategic project “We are all creative” co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme for over a year. The organizations “I Bravi Ragazzi” from Italy and “EuroMuévete” from Spain are also involved in the project, with whom we are jointly implementing the rich schedule of this international (and intergenerational) project.
Where did the idea come from? As activists in the cultural and educational sector, we recognise the lack of cultural offerings for middle-aged people. While there are plenty of activities for young people and seniors in cultural centres, museums, universities of the third age, etc., middle-aged people have severely limited opportunities to participate. According to a 2015 Eurostat study, there is a persistently low percentage of people aged 40-70 taking part in cultural activities in partnership countries.
The reasons for this can vary. Sometimes it is a simple lack of knowledge, a lack of digital competence among the target audience, as well as common associations with having to pay fees, the risk of computer virus infections or the complicated process of finding interesting content and wasting time.
We want to change this. We want adults not only to be more willing to participate in cultural events, but also to develop their creativity, curiosity about the world and openness.
We are organising the project in international cooperation, because each country offers a different perspective on culture and such cooperation guarantees a broadening of horizons.
The project concept includes a variety of activities in all partner countries: preparatory meetings, meetings with a training character, a series of workshops for adults in the participating countries, the preparation of own artistic events by adults and dissemination activities.
In addition to the planned workshops, accompanying events such as exhibitions, concerts or other artistic initiatives created by groups of adults, and the project’s promotional campaign, three conventions are taking place:
- “Culture at home” – Italy (theme: use of cultural goods)
- “Musical challenges” – Poland (theme: musical arts)
- “New art for adults” – Spain (theme: visual arts)
Through participation in the project, adults learn to use new technologies, develop their creativity, learn project management and meet creative adults from other European countries.
The participants themselves speak about the experience of participating in the international project in the best possible way. “Thanks to the participation in the workshop, I gained the desire to carry out my own initiatives and learned how I can carry them out in my place of residence. Who would have thought that I would have decided to put on a photography exhibition?”- says one of the project participants, who took part in a workshop on the use of social media as part of the project’s first trip to Messina in Italy. A participant on our most recent trip- this time to Spain- adds, “It is impossible to summarise my participation in two sentences, but the three things that come to mind are breaking stereotypes, contact with Spaniards and Italians and broadening my horizons.”
In addition, participants mainly learn through experience- when planning large artistic events, such as those related to culture or the arts, they are required to be very well organised and able to make long-term decisions that will come in handy in their everyday lives.