Language: English
Last update: May 2023
Applicable to: All EuroMuévete’s staff, volunteers, visitors, and associates.
Contact: President Joanna Mielcarek
As a non-governmental organisation working with children and youth, we must do all we can to make sure that the safety and protection of children who engage with us are protected and promoted at all times. The following Child Protection Policy has been produced to ensure that no child is harmed or placed at risk of harm during their involvement with EuroMuévete’s activities and projects. This document has been approved by EuroMuévete’s management and outlines the legal framework, the principles, actions, and code of conduct EuroMuévete works with in order to prevent risks to children’s safety.
EuroMuévete would like to acknowledge the guidance and materials offered by Save the Children and The Network for Children’s Rights in developing this Child Protection Policy.
Glossary of Key Terms
Abuse – refers to any act or failure to act that results in actual or potential harm to a child’s health, survival, development, or dignity. The UNCRC recognizes various forms of abuse, including: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exploitation
Child – according to United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.
Children’s rights – as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), refer to a set of entitlements and protections specifically designed for children. These rights recognize the inherent dignity and worth of every child and aim to ensure their well-being, development, and protection. Some key children’s rights include the right to life, health, education, protection from violence, participation in decisions affecting them, and freedom from discrimination.
Staff – Individuals employed or working for an organization, including paid employees, volunteers, and interns, responsible for carrying out the organization’s mission and activities.
Legal framework
The following Child Protection Policy has been developed on the basis of law, policy, and guidance that seek to protect children, namely:
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols;
- Spanish Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4, for the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence.
EuroMuévete’s Child Protection Policy applies to:
- All members of staff and volunteers;
- All those acting on behalf of EuroMuévete, such as consultants or trainers;
- Staff members and representatives from partner Organisations involved in the delivery of EuroMuévete’s programmes;
- All adults involved in any activities organised by EuroMuévete for children, including journalists, donors, and policy-makers.
Our principles
- All child abuse involves the abuse of children’s rights.
- All children have equal rights to protection from abuse and exploitation.
- The situation of all children must be improved through the promotion of their rights as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This includes the right to freedom from abuse and exploitation.
- Child abuse is never acceptable.
- We have a commitment to protecting children with/ for whom we work.
- When we work through partners, they have a responsibility to meet minimum standards of protection for children in their programmes.
Our actions
We will meet our commitment to protect children from abuse through the following means:
Awareness: we will ensure that all staff and others are aware of the problem of child abuse and the risks to children. Staff will receive an entry training on the Child Protection Policy, and additional training will be provided when the policy is updated or revised, as well as on other relevant child protection topics.
Prevention: we will ensure, through awareness and good practice, that staff and others minimize the risks to children. All staff and volunteers will have access to a copy of the child protection policy. Safe recruitment procedures will be followed, including criminal background checks for employees, volunteers, and trainees. The induction will include a briefing on child protection issues.
Reporting: we will ensure that staff and others are clear on what steps to take when concerns arise regarding the safety of children. All staff, volunteers, and associates of EuroMuévete should be aware of the appropriate procedures to report a child safeguarding concern, guided by the safety of the child as the paramount consideration. Reporting and responding to child safeguarding concerns should be taken very seriously, with a focus on ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information. The Project Manager of any project or event organized by EuroMuévete which includes the participation of children will be the person in charge of reporting procedures when something bad happens to a child inside or outside the organization.
Responding: we will ensure that action is taken to support and protect children where concerns arise regarding possible abuse.
In order that the above standards of reporting and responding are met, members of EuroMuévete will also ensure that they:
- take seriously any concerns raised
- take positive steps to ensure the protection of children who are the subject of any concerns
- support children, staff or other adults who raise concerns or who are the subject of concerns
- act appropriately and effectively in instigating or co-operating with any subsequent process of investigation
- are guided through the child protection process by the principle of ‘best interests of the child’
- listen to and takes seriously the views and wishes of children
- work in partnership with parents/carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of children.
Code of conduct
Staff and others must never:
- hit or otherwise physically assault or physically abuse children develop physical/sexual relationships with children
- develop relationships with children which could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive
- act in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse.
- use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or abusive
- behave physically in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative
- have a child/children with whom they are working to stay overnight at their home unsupervised
- sleep in the same room or bed as a child with whom they are working
- do things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves
- condone, or participate in, behaviour of children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive
- act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise perpetrate any form of emotional abuse
- discriminate against, show differential treatment, or favour particular children to the exclusion of others.
- This is not an exhaustive or exclusive list. The principle is that staff should avoid actions or behaviour which may constitute poor practice or potentially abusive behaviour.
Data protection
EuroMuévete is committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of children and their families who engage with our activities.
– Children and their parents are informed about the purpose of the data collection and their rights regarding the data;
– Children’s personal data is only collected for specific, legitimate purposes. The data collected is adequate, relevant, and not excessive for the intended purpose;
– Unnecessary data will not be collected;
– It is important to obtain informed consent from both the child and their parent or legal guardian before collecting their personal data. We provide clear and accessible information about the data collection. The request for consent is present in each registration or application form and is presented in a manner that is clearly distinguishable from the other matters, in an intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language.
Staff recruitment procedures
EuroMuévete already has in place several safe recruitment procedures in place to ensure that staff and volunteers are suitable and safe to work with children:
Interviews – besides the role specific questions, the interviews will include asking questions about their experience, qualifications, and their views on child protection
References – from previous employers, colleagues, or other people who can vouch for the candidate’s suitability for working with children
Child Protection training – detailed below
Updates and training
All staff members and volunteers will receive training based on the present CPP, along with all the other policies and procedures of the organization, at the beginning of their work with the NGO.
All those acting on behalf of EuroMuévete, such as consultants or trainers; staff members and representatives from partner Organisations involved in the delivery of EuroMuévete’s programmes; all adults involved in any activities organised by EuroMuévete for children, including journalists, donors, photographers, film makers and policy-makers will be informed of the present Child Protection Policy at the start of their collaboration, making sure that:
– They are aware of the organization’s child protection policies and understand their responsibilities in protecting children;
– They recognize potential risks and vulnerabilities that children may face, and equips them with the knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to situations where children are at risk of harm;
– They understand the ethical and professional standards that are expected of them while working with children.
Final aspects
The present Child Protection Policy is available on the organization’s website at the following address:
The present Child Protection Policy is revised annually, based on the feedback of the staff and volunteers working with children;
You can contact us regarding matters related to child protection to the address Joanna Mielcarek, the General Manager of the organization is the designated person in charge of reporting procedures, whose primary responsibility is to ensure that all concerns about the safety of children are immediately reported and addressed. She is trained and equipped to identify signs of abuse or neglect and is well-versed in the procedures to follow when an incident occurs.